Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Hungarian-Style Potatoes and Green Beans



11530848796cL13p    1188260202NZ10cj   Pair this quick and easy side dish with grilled pork chops and a tossed salad for a satisfying holiday meal.  (Also, something delicious besides the same hotdogs and hamburgers.)  Aside from being a tasty dish, it is packed with vitamin C and fiber.  It adds a new spin to an old reliable, namely potatoes, and has a low-point value for those that follow Weight Watcher’s.

Hungarian-Style Potatoes and Green Beans

1 cup red potatoes, halved and sliced

1 cup fresh green bean

1/2 cup onion, quartered and sliced

1 tsp sun-dried tomato, rehydrated and chopped

1 tsp fresh parsley

1 tsp olive oil

1 tsp butter

dash paprika


  1. Place the potatoes and green bean in a microwave-bowl. Add a small amount of water. Cover and microwave on high for 3 minutes. Let stand for 2 minutes.
  2. Add the onion and continue to microwave on high for 1 minute more. Let stand for 1 minute.
  3. Discard water and empty vegetables into the bowl. Toss with the tomato, parsley, olive oil, butter, and paprika. Serve with your meal.  Enjoy!!

Source: Weight Watcher’s 2 points per serving.


  1. Hope you are having a nice day; thanks for sharing and always good to hear from you.
    Take care,

  2. Wonderful potatoes with sun-dried tomatoes and paprika - sounds excellent!

  3. Thank you, and I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Holiday. It's always nice to hear from you and thank you for commenting. I invite you to keep coming back.
    Take care,


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