Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Video: Grocery Store: The Musical

In view of our post yesterday and featuring our grocery store Dietitian, Gina on Sunday, here is a grocery store musical to share with you;how appropo.    Smile


Does This Happen In Your Store?

Enjoy the video! 

Thanks for viewing,


Monday, November 29, 2010

50! Conquer The Grocery Store Maze with These

November 28th, 2010
Coming home from the grocery store in a good mood with bags of organic produce and fresh ingredients for tasty meals that help your waistline melt away is a fantasy that's actually within reach. A little planning ahead of time will save you at least part of the misery of hitting the grocery store, especially if you run your errands at off-peak times and are armed with a well-organized list that reflects your health concerns , budget and healthy recipes. For more specifics to help conquer the grocery store maze, keep reading.
Strategy and Lay Out
Make the lay out of your grocery store work for you — not against you.
  1. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store: You've heard this tip before, but it's an easy guide to help you save money and fill up on fresh ingredients: produce, dairy, seafood and meats are located on the outer edges of the grocery store, while packaged, processed items are usually concentrated in the middle aisles. Forewarned, this thinking though, can and has become quite controversial in today’s day and age.  Perhaps what we really want to say:  Read the nutrition facts label and shop for healthy foods throughout the entire store.
  2. Shop in the morning: If possible, do your grocery shopping earlier in the morning, when produce is freshest, and you'll have first pick.
  3. Fill up on healthy items first: Make it a priority to fill up your basket with healthier, fresh items so that you're less likely to add junk food and processed foods "just because." You'll have already reached your budget and should have enough food for the week.
  4. Know how long produce lasts: To avoid over-buying produce that will eventually spoil, know how long different fruits and vegetables last, and how to store them.
  5. Avoid buying things in boxes: If it's packaged in a box, it's generally less healthy for you than foods that are fresh or even refrigerated.
  6. Take your time: Shop during off-peak hours to allow yourself time to read nutrition labels and compare products.
  7. Plan your meals ahead of time: Only buy the ingredients you need to make those meals, and avoid buying extra food just because it looks good.
  8. Don't go to the grocery store hungry: To prevent yourself from stuffing your cart full of food you're craving just because you're hungry, go shopping after you've had a satisfying, healthy meal.
  9. Approach certain aisles with caution: When you breeze past the cookie, chip and ice cream aisles, put your guard up, and don't shop with the same abandon as you do in the produce section.
  10. Choose frozen over canned: If the fresh produce section isn't up to your standards, look for veggies and fruit in the frozen section, not the canned good section. Canned produce usually contains more sugars and preservatives that aren't good for you and add calories.
  11. Change up your store: Visit a health foods grocery store, farmer's market, or even specialty foods store, like a meat market, for higher quality, organic items.
  12. Look up or down: Eye-level products are usually less healthy and have been placed strategically to entice you to buy them after just a quick glance. Look at the top and bottom of the shelves to find healthier (low-fat and low-carb) options.
  13. Buy foods that freeze well: This can be your back-up solution if you have too much, or plan to freeze leftovers for the next week.
  14. Leave the kids at home: They'll sometimes succeed in wearing you down to buy sugary cereals and snacks that will tempt you at home.
  15. Have fun researching healthy recipes: This strategy should help get you excited about trying new foods and even going shopping for ingredients.
  16. Vow to avoid impulse buys: Ahead of time, commit yourself to avoiding impulse buys. If you're tempted to try a new product, write it down so that you can research it when you get home and consider it next time.
Nutrition Facts and Labels
Take time to read the nutrition labels and evaluate ingredients with these hacks.
  1. Avoid foods with too many ingredients: When buying pre-packaged items, avoid foods that list more than five ingredients on the label — real food doesn't need that much help tasting good.
  2. Check out the serving size: Don't just look at calorie count or the number of nutrients: pick the option that gives you the best caloric and nutritional value per serving size.
  3. Avoid ingredients you can't pronounce: If the nutrition label is full of words you can't even attempt to pronounce, the food is packed with additives and preservatives that you don't really need.
  4. Fats: As a general rule, buy foods with 0 grams of trans fat (the worst), and very low amounts of saturated fat, if any. Also realize that hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated means that your food contains some trans fats.
  5. Check the footnotes: The little asterisk next to Percent Daily Values usually refers to a 2,000 calories-a-day diet, which most of us don't really need. If you're trying to lose weight, you're probably on a lower-calorie diet, and need to adjust the daily value percentage accordingly.
  6. Limit These Nutrients: Listed as fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugars, these are the biggest nutrients to watch out for on labels, and the Big 4 you'll always want smaller numbers for.
  7. Get Enough of These Nutrients: The FDA believes that Americans don't get enough of dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, or iron, so try to pick foods that have substantial amounts of these.
  8. Understand what % of Daily Value really means: A general rule is that foods with a Daily Value percent of 5% or lower means that it has a relatively low content of that nutrient or ingredient, and a value percent of 20% or higher means that the content is relatively high.
  9. Understand sugar content: It's sometimes hard to figure out just how much sugar your food has, so try this health coach's calculation: "divide grams of sugar by 4 to get the amount in teaspoons per serving. Four grams of sugar is equal to one teaspoon, or packet, of sugar."
  10. Read the ingredients list: In the ingredients section of the nutrition label, ingredients are listed in descending order according to weight, which means that the first ingredient has the most weight, and may be the main ingredient in the food. Foods that include preservatives, sugars and fructose, and other additives towards the top of the list are less healthy than those that list purer ingredients (milk, water, etc) first.
Buying Organic
Learn how to pick organic items and foods that are worth buying.
  1. Find the USDA Organic label: Foods with this label have been approved by the federal government as being organic and safe to eat.
  2. Pick in-season produce: You'll find the best quality organic produce for a more sensible price when you pick foods that are in-season.
  3. Buy organic meat, eggs, milk and poultry: If you're worried about growth hormones and antibiotics, organic meats and dairy products might be a practical solution for your family.
  4. Know the levels of organic: There's "100% organic" (which usually comes with the USDA seal), "organic," and "made with organic ingredients." They're not all the same.
  5. Be choosy: You don't have to buy all of your foods organic. Start with the foods you and your family eats most of, and also considering buying organic when selecting foods that have edible skins, like apples, or foods that have traditionally have high levels of pesticides, like strawberries and spinach.
  6. Know when the "regular" version is okay: Produce that you peel and that have lower pesticide residuals include onions, avocados, corn on the cob, and pineapple.
Selecting Healthy Foods
Here you'll get tips on how to evaluate the freshness and nutritional value of food.
  1. Whole grains: When picking out pasta, cereal, bread and rice products, opt for the whole grain options, ideally those that have at least 4 grams of fiber per serving.
  2. Fish should smell fresh: Fish and seafood that smell too "fishy" are probably too ripe and could make you sick.
  3. Choose low-fat dairy: Dairy products like cheese, milk, yogurt and eggs add a lot of important nutrients like Vitamin D and calcium — which are sometimes hard to find in other foods — to your diet, but low-fat and non-fat variations are even better for you, and still contain the good stuff.
  4. Buy frozen foods without sauces: Frozen foods can still be very healthy options and are more convenient if you're not sure when you have time to eat them. But buy foods without heavy sauces and dressings for sensible calorie and fat servings.
  5. Try a new vegetable each week: Besides expanding your recipe index, this tip will introduce you to new foods as the seasons change, helping you to save money, too.
  6. Skip the meat: While meat has lots of iron and other nutrients you need, you can find other healthy foods to substitute for meat at least once or twice a week, helping you to lower your fat and calorie intake, and save some money.
  7. Cross butter off your list: Cook with extra virgin olive oil instead of butter, and buy low-fat margarine for a topper instead.
  8. Look for the heart-check mark: The American Heart Association has put heart-check symbols on foods that it deems are heart-healthy and that meet their criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol.
  9. Pick 100% juice: Reading the labels on drinks is just as important as your regular food. Juices and other drinks are often loaded with sugar and preservatives, so look for diet or lite versions, and when shopping for juice, check for labels that say 100% juice, which means it's full of nutrients.
List Help
Get help organizing your list so that you can zip through the grocery store in a logical order and avoid impulse buys.
  1. Think about how much you need: Try to remember how much you bought last time, and whether or not it was enough, it stored well, or it spoiled.
  2. Evaluate your current stock: Check out what you have in your pantry and refrigerator already before buying more.
  3. Match your budget to your list: Decide on a weekly grocery budget, and keep that number in mind when planning out your meals and menus.
  4. Include healthy back-up items: Buy a few cans of tuna, low-sodium soup, and frozen veggies that can be your go-to meals in a pinch (and will keep you from running out for fast food).
  5. Use an app or online tool: Add to it whenever you think of an item, and when you're in the store, you won't have to keep up with a crumpled piece of paper.
  6. Tailor your list to your diet: Give your shopping list a theme, like low-carb or sugar-free, and only include relevant items to help you stick to your diet even when surrounded by junk food.
  7. Sort your list by categories and aisles: Assign items an aisle number or symbol help yourself stay organized once you're in the store. Wegman’s does this, know of any other stores?
  8. Keep a running list: Keep your grocery list in the kitchen so that you can add to it whenever you notice you're running low on a particular item.
  9. Use a template as a checklist: You'll be reminded of healthier items to try out if you use someone else's list as inspiration.
Source:  Nursing  Schools (dot) net and Blog: From A Dietitian’s Perspective
Thanks for reading,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Follower Sunday: Thank You Readership! Grocery Store Dietitian Dispels Nutritional Myths; Guest-Chef is an advocate for Cerebral Palsy with Healthy Recipes

By Anthony Sepe

Each Sunday, I thank my readership for their loyalty and dedication to my blog, by providing a healthy recipe.  For those that know, this is a healthy repeat, but for those that are unaware and are new to the blog, this is my way of “giving back.”  It is also a way to “Pay it Forward.”  Each Sunday, not only will you have a healthy recipe, but you will have an expert in the field of dietetics, food and nutrition, provide the healthy recipe to you.  It is my pleasure to introduce to you this week, my colleague, Gina Casagrande, RD,  and her recipe:  “Oat Bran Pizza Crust (Wheat-Free).”


My name is Gina and I am a grocery store dietitian.  I know that food is the best medicine, but it can also be our worst enemy. I've been living with IBS my entire life and have recently changed my own diet dramatically, having cut out foods such as wheat, onions, and garlic. My passion is helping people make simple changes in their diets, which can have a huge impact on their health and their quality of life.  Something as simple as switching to a whole grain pizza crust can add fiber and loads of nutrients to a delicious meal, and for the thousands of Americans who can't eat wheat or gluten, incorporating whole grains from gluten-free sources is becoming more and more important.   I enjoy working with people to help them figure out the best foods for their body and their lifestyle.  Healthy living can and should be fun and delicious!


Oat Bran Pizza Crust (Wheat-Free)


3 cups oat bran flour
1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
2 T extra virgin olive oil
1 t oil (for your fingers when spreading the dough)
1 t salt
1.5 T sugar
1 cup warm water


1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees
2) Combine and mix the flour, salt, sugar, and the yeast in a medium sized bowl. Next, add the EVOO and water.

3) Coat your hands with some oil, or non-stick spray. Use your hands to spread the dough evenly on a pizza pan, the larger the better.
4) Add topping as desired. Cook for 20-30 minutes (depending on your oven and how crispy you like your pizza!)


(It sort of stuck to the side of the bowl. I just scrapped it off and put it back into the ball.)





  • Sauce or EVOO
  • Mozzarella cheese (Organic, I usually buy organic dairy) (~3/4 cup)
  • Chunks of grilled chicken (Trader Joe's) (~3 ounces)
  • Green pepper (~1/2 cup, only on Nick's side)
  • Spinach (~1/2 cup, only on my side)
  • Tomato (~1/4 cup, only on my side)

Basil (~1 T)
Garlic (~2 t)
Cayenne (~1/2 t)



My Rating: 9 out of 10
** While this pizza was AMAZING I will use a larger pizza pan the next time I make it. The pieces were really thick and that made it difficult to get the middle crust completely cooked. It was so thick I could barely eat my two pieces.  **

Nutrition Facts for the CRUST Only
(Serving Size: 1/8 of the pizza)

** This crust received a C+ rating, but once you add some healthy toppings, like lots of veggies and calcium-packed cheese, it will be a healthier meal!! Also, it is better than a crust made with white flour, as this one provided almost 5 grams of fiber per slice! **


Enjoy this great Wheat-free recipe from Gina!

Visit Gina at The Candid RD

Thank you for reading,


Friday, November 26, 2010

Cooks Corner: Post-Thanksgiving Recipe Success

The Left-Over Make Overs

By Anthony Sepe


The Cranberry Sensation Sandwich


  • 3 oz.  Turkey Slices
  • 2 tsp. Mayo
  • 2 tsp. Mustard
  • 1/2 cup Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce
  • Salt, Pepper, Creole Seasoning to taste
  • 1 Iceberg Lettuce Slice
  • 4 Sliced Cucumber
  • 4 Sliced Tomato
  • 1/2 – 1  slice of red sweet onion
  • Black Olives (a few for garnish)
  • Green Olives to eat( a few for garnish)


  1. 2 slices favorite bread, preferably whole wheat, 12 grain etc.
  2. Place turkey on one slice and and the other slice of bread use mayo and mustard
  3. Place Whole berry cranberry sauce sauce upon the turkey slices and season with salt, pepper and creole seasoning
  4. Place lettuce leaf, cucumber slices, tomato slices and onion slice atop of other slice of bread with mayo and mustard
  5. Put Sandwich together; cut in half, diagonally, eat and enjoy!



Eat with a slice of Pumpkin pie from Wednesday, either version #1 or #2.

Thank you for reading and enjoy!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Let’s Talk Turkey: Happy Thanksgiving from Cooks Corner with a Crustless Pumpkin Pie

Happy Thanksgiving to friends, relatives and colleagues –near, far and from across the globe—safe traveling and to have fun eating too.


(Reprinted From:  “Blog:  A Dietitian’s Perspective” Thanksgiving Sunday, November 22, 2009)




Preparing Thanksgiving dinner is enough of a pressure cooker, never mind having to do math in your head just to get it right.  Here are  some of the numbers to have a safe, worry-free and meaningful Thanksgiving Day dinner. 








For turkeys under 16 lbs., estimate basically 1 pound per serving (this accounts for bone weight.)  For larger birds, a bit less is fine;they have a higher meat-to-bone ratio.  However, if your goal is plenty of leftovers, (that turkey sandwich with mayo and cranberry sauce to boot) aim for 1 1/2 lbs. per person whatever the turkey’s size.


  • For 8 people:   purchase a 12 lb. turkey
  • For 10 people: purchase a 15 lb. turkey
  • For 12 people: purchase an 18 lb. turkey
  • For 14 people: purchase a 20 lb. turkey

The Thaw

Technically, the safest way to thaw a frozen turkey is in the refrigerator.  Figure about 24 hours per 4-5 lbs. of turkey.  Another method would be to put the turkey is sink filled with cold running-water.  Change the water every 30 minutes, and plan for about 30 minutes per pound.

Holiday Hot Lines plus, a click-a-way




  1. 2 Tbsp. water
  2. 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin
  3. 2 1/4 cups Carnation Evaporated Low-fat 2% Milk
  4. 1 15oz.can Libby’s 100% Pure Pumpkin
  5. 1/2 cup of packed brown sugar or low calorie sweetener equivalent
  6. 2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  7. 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  8. Light whipped topping
  9. Fresh Fruit (optional)


  1. Coat 1” deep-dish pie plate with non-stick Cooking spray.
  2. Place water in a medium bowl; sprinkle gelatin over water. Let stand 5 – 10 minutes or until softened. Mixture may be firm.
  3. Bring 1 cup of evaporated milk to boil in saucepan. Slowly stir in hot evaporated milk into gelatin. Stir in the remaining evaporated milk, pumpkin, sugar, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla extract.
  4. Pour mixture into prepared pie plate. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until set.
  5. Garnish with whipped topping and fresh fruit, if desired.


Makes 8 servings; Adapted from Nestle Carnation

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cooks Corner: Pumpkin Pie Recipes with Variations


Pumpkin Pie #1


Pumpkin Pie Version #1:  Golden Pie Pumpkin


  1. Cooked down pumpkin (15 oz.) or 1 can (15oz.)
  2. 1- 9” Pie Crust from scratch or frozen
  3. 3 eggs slightly beaten
  4. 1 cup light brown sugar
  5. 1/2 tsp. salt
  6. 1 tsp. cinnamon
  7. 1/4 tsp. cloves
  8. 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
  9. 1/4 tsp. ginger
  10. 1 cup nonfat milk


  • Preheat oven 450 degrees.
  • Prepare the piecrust, if frozen; have ready, if made from scratch.
  • Combine eggs, sugar, salt and spices; bled well. 
  • Blend in Pumpkin add the milk and beat mixture well.
  • Put pie crust into pie pan and bake in 450 degree oven for 10 minutes.
  • Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes.
  • Pie is done, when knife comes out clean.
  • Enjoy!


Pumpkin Pie #2


Pumpkin Pie Version # 2:  My Own Pumpkin Pie


  1. 15 oz. cooked pumpkin
  2. 1-can 14 oz.  sweetened condensed milk or nonfat milk
  3. 3 egg whites
  4. 2 T. Pumpkin Pie Spice (cinnamon, ginger nutmeg, cloves-all mixed together)


  • Pour into a frozen unbaked pie crust.
  • Bake in a preheated 425 degree oven; 20 minutes.
  • Reduce heat to 350 degrees. Bake 45-50 minutes longer; cool.
  • Top with reduced fat or fat-free cool-whip topping.
  • Enjoy!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cooks Corner Recipes: 3 Traditional Thanksgiving Sides, Souped-Up




  • 2 cups chopped onions
  • 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced celery
  • 1 cup diced tart apple, peeled and cored
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 tablespoon ground sage
  • 1 teaspoon ground marjoram
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon savory
  • 1/2 teaspoon thyme
  • 12 cups lightly toasted bread, cubes
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups chicken stock or 1 1/2 cups vegetable stock



Prep Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 3 1/4 hrs.

  1. In a large fry pan sauté onions, celery and apple in butter until onion is just translucent.
  2. Stir in sage, marjoram, salt, pepper, savory and thyme.
  3. Combine vegetable mixture with the bread cubes and parsley.
  4. Toss well.
  5. Pour stock over mixture, tossing well.






  • 1 (10 3/4 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 (14 1/2 ounce) cans cut green beans, drained
  • 1 1/3 cups French-fried onions (French's)



Prep Time: 5 mins

Total Time: 40 mins

  1. Combine soup, milk and pepper in a 1 1/2 qt baking dish; stir until blended.
  2. Stir in beans and 2/3 cup fried onions.
  3. Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes or until hot.
  4. Stir.
  5. Sprinkle with remaining 2/3 cup fried onions.
  6. Bake 5 more minutes or until onions are golden.





  • 3 cups mashed sweet potatoes
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 beaten eggs
  • 1/4 cup margarine, melted
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • 1/3 cup margarine, melted



Prep Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 50 mins

  1. In large mixing bowl,mix sweet potatoes,sugar,eggs,margarine,milk and vanilla.
  2. Pour into 9 inch square greased baking dish.
  3. Mix topping ingredients and sprinkle over potatoes.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes .
  5. Can be doubled and baked in 9x13 dish.


Source: Food.com

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thank You Readership! Guest-Chef and Nutrition Matters Blogger and Dietitian Carol Casey Pays It Forward Again and Again


By Anthony Sepe

Each Sunday, I thank my readership for their loyalty and dedication to my blog, by providing a healthy recipe.  For those that know, this is a healthy repeat, but for those that are unaware and are new to the blog, this is my way of “giving back.”  It is also a way to “Pay it Forward.”  Each Sunday, not only will you have a healthy recipe, but you will have an expert in the field of dietetics, food and nutrition, provide the healthy recipe to you.  It is my pleasure to introduce to you this week, my friend and my colleague, Carol S. Casey, RD, CDN, LDN, FSM and her recipe:  “Crock Pot Hamburger Soup.”

Carol S_ Casey

Carol S. Casey, Rd, CDN, LDN

Carol S. Casey, RD, CDN, LDN, FSM is the Clinical Nutrition Manager at Pendleton Health and Rehabilitation Center located in Mystic, Connecticut. She is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Dietitian/Nutritionist in the state of Connecticut, a Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist in the state of Rhode Island, and Food Safety Manager through The National Registry of Food Safety Professionals. She has over 20 years of experience in the field of dietetics and nutrition starting as a dietary aide, transitioning to the first group of Dietetic Technician, Registered credentialed by the American Dietetic Association in 1986. In 1988 she graduated with a Bachelor of Science Dietetic and Nutrition from Florida International University’s Coordinated Undergraduate Program. She has a numerous years of clinical experience in the hospitals of South Florida. Upon relocating to southeastern Connecticut she was self-employed for 8 years and finally transitioning to the current full-time position that combines the challenges medical nutritional therapy of physical medicine and rehabilitation with Gerontological medicine. Her areas of interest include Food Anthropology and Food History, Rehabilitation Nutrition, and Gerontological Nutrition. Her goal is provide medical nutrition therapy in a pragmatic and realistic goals so people can adapt them into their daily activities while enjoying their life to the fullest extent possible.



Crock Pot Hamburger Soup


  1. 1 lb. Beef: Ground, 95% Extra Lean
  2. 2  ½ c water
  3. 1 14 ½ oz. can of crushed tomatoes (any flavor)
  4. 2 cups low sodium beef broth
  5. 2 stalks medium celery chopped
  6. 2 cup raw onion, chopped
  7. 1 ½ c carrots raw, chopped
  8. 1 ½ c frozen peas
  9. 1 ½ c frozen corn
  10. 1/3 c. barley
  11. 1 tsp. cilantro or basil
  12. ½ c catsup
  13. 1 to 2 garlic cloves, minced


  • Brown the ground beef and drain
  • Put all ingredients into crock-pot.
  • Cook until vegetables are tender.
  • Low temperature 7-8 hours or high temperature 5-6 hours
  • Yield 12 cups


Nutrition Facts Per Cup:

Calories 160; Fat 3 grams; Carbohydrates 22 grams; Protein 13 grams and Sodium 233 grams



Stop by to see Carol at her blog appropriately titled: Nutrition Matters and Carol S. Casey

Thank you for reading and have a great day,

~ Anthony

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cooks Corner: Fiber and You: It Can be Delicious Too (Bean Spread with Shredded Wheat Cereal)


Recently, I received some material from a colleague on behalf of Post Foods and ShopRite regarding Fiber; I want to share the following information with you.  The benefits of a diet rich in whole grains and dietary fiber on type 2 diabetes management and prevention have been well documented.  For example, higher consumption of whole grains (1) and insoluble fiber has been  inversely associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes.  Whole grains and fiber may also have an impact on risk factors associated with the disease such as decreased risk for cardiovascular disease, weight management, and a lowered risk for metabolic syndrome (3).

It’s a challenge trying to manage diabetes.  That’s why adding more whole grains and dietary fiber to our diet is one simple step that can be recommended to make dietary management of diabetes simpler for anyone with diabetes.

I’m providing a brief review of recent research recommendations, and simple tips  regarding some health benefits of increasing intake of dietary fiber and whole grain.


    • MOST OF US:  DON’T
      • If you are trying to manage type 2 diabetes, adding more fiber and whole grains is an easy step to take for better health.  A diet high in fiber and whole grains may improve blood sugar control.  And even better news, as whole grain intake increases in older adults, fasting blood sugar levels and body mass index (BMI) can improve.
          • adults: at least 48 grams of whole grain each day (1)
          • women- 25 grams of fiber each day (2)
          • men- 38 grams of fiber each day (3)
  • What is fiber?

Dietary fiber includes all parts of plant foods that our  body can’t digest or absorb.  Unlike other food components such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates, which your body breaks down and absorbs, our body doesn’t digest fiber.  It passes through your stomach, small intestine, and colon as it makes its way out of our body.  Fiber plays several important roles in maintaining health.

Fiber helps us feel full longer, can help reduce blood cholesterol levels and slows down digestion so that glucose and fructose, the sugars from plant carbohydrates, enter the bloodstream more slowly—moderating spikes and crashes in energy levels.

  • What is whole grain?

Wheat, rice, corn oats and barley are all examples of grains.  “Whole” grain means that nothing is removed from the grain during processing.  An easy way to tell if a product contains whole grains is to look at the Nutrition Facts label.  If the first ingredient listed contains the word “whole” such as “whole oats”, or “whole wheat”, the product is mainly whole grain.

Whole grains contain many nutrients (including fiber, vitamins B&E), minerals (including calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron) and antioxidants.  These components of whole grains have many benefits that can contribute to your overall health and well-being.


  1. Sprinkle high fiber cereal like Grape-Nuts on unsweetened plain yogurt and add your favorite fruit.
  2. Snack on fresh fruits such as oranges, pears, apples and berries.  They are great sources of fiber.
  3. Eat nuts seeds and beans
  4. Take shredded Wheat cereal microwave a serving and add 2 tsp. of olive oil this and sprinkle with herbs and seasonings like oregano and creole.


Bean spread with Shredded Wheat Crackers

Photo: Copyright 2010 Spin A Recipe.com

Recipe Developed and Reprinted with permission by Anthony J Sepe


  1. 1 cup Greek-style low-fat or non-fat plain yogurt or light sour cream
  2. 2 whole cloves of garlic, chopped finely
  3. 1/4 cup finely chopped sweet onion
  4. 1/4 cup finely chopped parsley (save some for garnish)
  5. 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  6. 2 teaspoons water
  7. 1/4 tsp. Salt 
  8. 1/4 tsp. freshly ground pepper
  9. 1/4 tsp. creole seasoning
  10. 1 can (15 oz.) kidney beans or northern beans rinsed and drained (or 1 cup dried beans cooked in 3 cups water)
  11. 4 Tbsp. chopped sun-dried tomatoes (not packed in oil) that have been rehydrated in hot water and then drained
  12. 2 teaspoons minced jalapeno peppers
  13. 1 box of Shredded Wheat Cereal (or multi-grain pita chips)


  1. In a food processor place yogurt, garlic, onion,chopped parsley, lemon juice, water, beans and herbs and creole seasoning; blend and and cover until it’s a combination chunky and smooth mixture.  Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper.
  2. Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours to let flavors meld.  can be served now if time is an issue or
  3. Bring to room temperature for about 30 minutes. Spread on your spreadables of choice i.e. Shredded Wheat Cereal or pita chips. 
  4. Place on a serving platter garnished with springs of parsley.
  5. Enjoy!



(1) Fung,TT, Hu FB, Pereira MA, LiuS, et al. Wole-grain intake and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective study in men.Am J Clin Nutr 2002:75:535-540.

(2)Schulze MB,Schulz M, Heidemann C, Schienkiewitz A et al.Fiber and Magnesium Intake and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective Study and Meta-Analysis. Arch Intern Med 2007: 167:956-965.

(3)Position of the American Dietetic Association:Health Implications of Dietary Fiber.JAmDiet Assoc 2008:108:1716-1731.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Next big thing? Big cholesterol drop with new drug




Christopher Cannon 

AP – An undated photo provided by Dr. Christopher Cannon shows Dr. Christopher Cannon of Brigham and Women's …


CHICAGO – An experimental drug boosted good cholesterol so high and dropped bad cholesterol so low in a study that doctors were stunned and voiced renewed hopes for an entirely new way of preventing heart attacks and strokes.

"We are the most excited we have been in decades," said Dr. Christopher Cannon of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, who led the study of the novel drug for Merck & Co. "This could really be the next big thing."

The drug, anacetrapib (an-uh-SEHT'-ruh-pihb), will not be on the market anytime soon. It needs more testing to see if its dramatic effects on cholesterol will translate into fewer heart attacks, strokes and deaths. Merck announced a 30,000-patient study to answer that question, and it will take several years.

But the sheer magnitude of the new medicine's effects so far excited lots of doctors at an American Heart Association conference in Chicago, where results were presented on Wednesday.

"The data look spectacular, beyond what anybody would have expected," said Dr. Robert Eckel, a University of Colorado cardiologist and past president of the heart association. "It's like a rocket to Jupiter versus one to the moon. I can think of many of my patients who could use the drug right now."

Merck's Dr. Luciano Rossetti agreed.

"We are trying not to be too giddy. The potential benefit is enormous," said Rossetti, senior vice president of global scientific strategy at the company, based in Whitehouse Station, N.J.

It was one of two studies that caused unusual optimism and buzz at the heart meeting. The other tested a new procedure to lower blood pressure in patients whose pills failed them.

The new method uses a tube through a blood vessel to zap nerves near the kidneys, which fuel high blood pressure. Its success offers hope for a possible permanent fix for people with very high blood pressure despite taking fistfuls of pills each day. Only about a third of the millions of people worldwide with high blood pressure are able to control it well with pills.

The treatment, using a device made by California-based Ardian Inc., is just now becoming available in Europe and will be tested in the United States next year.

The cholesterol study took an equally novel approach.

For years, doctors have focused on lowering LDL, or bad cholesterol, to cut heart risks. Statin medicines, sold as Lipitor and Zocor do this, and generic versions cost less than a dollar a day. But many statin users still suffer heart attacks, so doctors have been trying to get LDL to very low levels and to boost HDL, or good cholesterol.

Anacetrapib would be the first drug of its kind. It helps keep fat particles attached to HDL, which carries them in the bloodstream to the liver to be disposed of.

Merck says it is way too soon to estimate how much the drug would cost, but analysts say such a medication could mean billions for its maker, though it would have to prove cost-effective by preventing enough heart attacks, strokes and deaths.

The Merck-sponsored study tested anacetrapib in 1,623 people already taking statins because they are at higher-than-usual risk of a heart attack — half had already had one, and many others had conditions like diabetes.

An LDL of 100 to 129 is considered good for healthy people, but patients like these should aim for under 100 or even under 70, guidelines say. For HDL, 40 to 59 is OK, but higher is better.

After six months in the study:

• LDL scores fell from 81 to 45 in those on anacetrapib, and from 82 to 77 in those given dummy pills.

• HDL rose from 41 to a whopping 101 in the drug group, and from 40 to 46 in those on dummy pills.

Such large changes have never been seen before, doctors say, and these improvements persisted for at least another year that the study went on.

Over the years, other drugs have generated excitement in early research, then turned out to be risky or not so effective when tried on many more patients.

The Merck study was too small to tell whether anacetrapib lowered deaths, heart attacks or other heart problems. But the trend was in the right direction, with fewer of those cases among patients on the drug. The anacetrapib group also needed significantly fewer procedures to fix clogged arteries.

Importantly, there were no signs of the blood pressure problems that led Pfizer Inc. to walk away from an $800 million investment in torcetrapib, a similar drug it was developing four years ago.

"This one looks far more potent, without the serious side effects that led to failure," Dr. W. Douglas Weaver, a cardiologist at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit and past president of the American College of Cardiology, said of the new Merck drug. "If proven effective, this will really change practice in the same way aspirin and statins have."

Results of the study also were published online by the New England Journal of Medicine. Some study leaders have consulted for Merck and makers of other heart drugs.

Dr. Allen Taylor, a cardiologist at Washington Hospital Center, noted that study participants' bad cholesterol was twice as high as their good cholesterol before treatment, and that anacetrapib caused this to reversed: The good became double the bad. That's never been achieved before and is "a profound swing" that should lead to reversal of heart disease, not just slowing its progression, he said.

Taylor led major studies of the only other drug that has had major effects on bad and good cholesterol — albeit much smaller than those from anacetrapib.

Niacin was a type of B vitamin sold in an extended-release version as Niaspan by Kos Pharmaceuticals Inc. It has been on the market since the late 1990s, but some people are bothered by a prickly hot sensation called flushing. Doctors say this side effect can be minimized by taking the drug at night with a low-fat snack.

What Do You Think?

Source:  The Los Angeles Times

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Subway Dominates Sunday Night TV


Subway Dominates Sunday Night TV

by Karlene Lukovitz

"From an audience standpoint, it's a very competitive time slot, so it will be interesting to see how the ["Undercover Boss"] ratings turn out," Tony Pace, SVP and CMO of the Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust, tells Marketing Daily. On the other hand, CBS will be promoting the show during its own football game coverage earlier in the day -- and being on three different networks simultaneously in prime time would probably sound like a ‘good problem’ to most brands.”



Seems like Subway is everywhere these days, but the chain is taking this to new levels this Sunday.

That evening, one of the sandwich chain's executives will be starring on CBS's "Undercover Boss," while over on NBC, Subway will be running a 30-second kick-off show and a commercial during "Sunday Night Football."

And just for good measure, on Fox, Michael Strahan (who hosts the "Subway Post Game Show" following Fox Sports football coverage) will be featured in three placements promoting Subway products between the animated lineup of "The Simpsons," "The Cleveland Show," "Family Guy" and "American Dad." (Did we mention the 15-second spot during "The Cleveland Show"?)

For Subway, it might be ideal if the "Undercover Boss" episode were not up against the game (and a Giants vs. Eagles match that's likely to draw even higher-than-normal viewership, to boot). "From an audience standpoint, it's a very competitive time slot, so it will be interesting to see how the ["Undercover Boss"] ratings turn out," Tony Pace, SVP and CMO of the Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust, tells Marketing Daily.

On the other hand, CBS will be promoting "Undercover Boss" during its own football game coverage earlier in the day -- and being on three different networks simultaneously in prime time would probably sound like a "good problem" to most brands.

The "Undercover Boss" episode will feature Subway chief development officer Don Fertman (using the name/identity "John Wilson") interacting, as an employee, with real store managers and other staff.

For the show, Fertman, a 29-year veteran of the chain credited by Subway with being "pivotal" in its growth, performed standard jobs such as baking bread, slicing vegetables and serving customers, while also observing specifics like how the chain's new breakfast menu is working on the front lines. His experience yielded "terrific best practices" that will be shared throughout the organization, Fertman reported in the chain's announcement of the upcoming "UB" episode.

From a marketing standpoint, having Fertman's experience featured on "UB" represents a valuable opportunity to reach consumers and franchisees with a broader branding message, as opposed to the generally product-specific messages conveyed in Subway's commercials and media integration efforts, says Pace.

In addition to PR/media outreach, Subway is promoting the "UB" episode through advertising (such as its standing front-page "color bar" and other space in USA Today), radio, and social media including Facebook -- efforts feasible within the context of short notice of CBS's decision on the specific air date, says Pace.

Subway's extensive media presence includes ample sports event exposure (the "Subway Post Game Show," for example) -- which, of course, meshes with the chain's multimedia "Famous Fans" campaign featuring athletes ranging from Olympics swimming medalist Michael Phelps to NASCAR driver Carl Edwards.

Recently, Subway also has been teaming longtime weight-loss/healthy living spokesperson Jared Fogle with the high-profile athletes. Leading up to Fogle's ING NYC Marathon run (which generated huge exposure for the brand, Pace confirms), he was shown training with marathon champ Meb Keflezighi, and interviewed on Strahan's post-game show.

The brand also employs product placements on talk shows (including Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon), has an ongoing advertising/placement deal with NBC's "Chuck," and increased its presence on "Biggest Loser" by sponsoring a contestant during the latest season.

Source: Media Post.com

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

100 Healthy Snacks to Reach For

Studying can be hard work, and you’ll need some serious brain fuel to get you through acing that exam and breezing through getting your degree. Yet the foods many students reach for when they’re deep in a study session are often not only unhealthy, but not exactly ideal choices for energy, concentration and boosting your brainpower. Instead of going for salty, sweet or fatty snacks — however satisfying they may be — try these healthy alternatives instead. Your grades, your brain and your waistline will thank you.
Instead of Potato Chips
Those crispy taters are delicious, but these snacks are healthier and pack more of a nutritional punch. Plus, they’ll still give you that crunch you’re looking for.
  1. Popcorn. As long as you don’t go for the super buttery version, popcorn can be a delicious and incredibly satisfying alternative to chips.
  2. Kale Chips. They might not sound appealing, but give these crisps a try. They not only taste good, but are loaded with nutrients.
  3. Veggies. Baby carrots, sugar snap peas, celery and bell peppers offer up a crisp, crunchy snack that’s full of the stuff your body needs.
  4. Pita Chips. You can make or buy whole grain pita chips that are healthier than potato chips, but still pretty delicious.
  5. Salted Cucumber Slices. Cucumbers are an excellent choice for giving you that crunch you crave. Add a little salt (maybe some spice) and you get a great study snack.
  6. Ants on a Log. Bring back your childhood with this snack that offers up a serious crunch and some protein to power your brain.
  7. Whole Wheat Pretzels. Whether you go for the soft version or the crunchy, these snacks are better for you than chips, in moderation of course.
  8. Almonds. Roasted almonds are an excellent source of protein and fiber, making them perfect for study snacking.
  9. Cashews. Go for the unsalted version and you can enjoy all the healthful benefits of this nut without any of the drawbacks.
  10. Trail Mix. If you don’t want to eat plain nuts, mix them up with dried fruits and pretzels to make your own healthy trail mix.
  11. Whole Grain Crackers. Skip those weak crackers and go for the whole grain, fibrous ones instead. They’ll do a better job filling you up and they’re better for you to boot.
  12. Sunflower Seeds. If you want to mindlessly chew on something while you study, these small seeds are a great choice.
  13. Peanuts. Grab a handful of peanuts while you’re studying to get a quick energy boost from this protein-loaded nut.
  14. Fruit Chips. There’s more than one way to eat fruit; in this chip form they may make you not even miss the potato kind.
  15. Veggie Chips. If you just really need to eat some kind of chip, choose a healthier alternative. Veggie chips have more nutrients and can be even better for you if they’re baked.
  16. Pickles. Pickles are loaded with sodium, it’s true, but if you only have a couple they’re a healthier, lower calorie snack than chips by far.
Instead of Unhealthy Dips and Spreads
Just because you’re not loading stuff up with heaps of Cheese Whiz and ranch dressing doesn’t mean you have to go without. Try these healthier options instead.
  1. Salsa. Whether you buy it at the store or make up your own, this sassy sauce offers up vitamins without being short on taste.
  2. Hummus. Made with chickpeas, this Middle Eastern treat is the perfect accompaniment to some pita chips or veggies.
  3. Guacamole. Avocados do have a lot of fat, but it’s the good kind. Whip up some guac to get your study party started.
  4. Bean Dip. Beans are a rich source of protein, and can be fun to eat in dip form.
  5. Low-Cal Spinach Dip. Spinach dip isn’t known for being particularly healthy, but this recipe isn’t too bad. Plus, it’s full of nutrient-rich spinach.
  6. Mustard. Dip pretzels and other snacks in this vinegary and salty condiment for a tasty treat.
  7. Greek Yogurt. Never thought of using yogurt as a dip? Well it’s never too late to start. Put it on cucumber for a cool late-night treat.
  8. Fruit Salsa. Salsa doesn’t have to be spicy and savory. Try out a fruit salsa for a sweeter alternative.
  9. Low Fat Dressing. If you just can’t go without dressing, choose a low-fat or low-cal version of your favorite.
  10. Neufatel Cheese. Instead of loading up your bagel with cream cheese, choose this healthier, but just as tasty, alternative instead.
Instead of Pre-Packaged, Processed Snacks
These snacks may be convenient, but they’re often packed with sodium, sugar and a wide range of chemicals. Opt for something a little more natural instead.
  1. Cheese. Whether you go for the string cheese or the simple cheese wedges, low-fat cheese, especially the natural kind, is a great snack offering up a host of vitamins and some great protein.
  2. Broccoli. Dipped in a tasty sauce, this green veggie packs a powerful nutritional punch.
  3. Cantaloupe. This melon not only tastes great, but is a much healthier alternative to those fruit snacks.
  4. Olives. Need something salty? Try olives instead of chips or crackers.
  5. Tomato Slices and Olive Oil. Tomatoes are packed with lycopene and a wealth of other vitamins -and can be pretty darn satisfying with a little olive oil on top.
  6. Grapefruit. This pucker-inducing fruit may not be the easiest to eat, but it’s a great super food to enjoy any time of the day.
  7. Sugar Snap Peas. These sweet peas are easy to store and provide a delicious crunch, not to mention some serious nutrition to fuel your brain.
  8. Edamame. These soybeans are a great source of protein, low in calories and just plain tasty– a perfect trio.
  9. Cottage Cheese and Pineapple. Get the benefits of protein-filled cheese with the zing of a citrusy fruit in this snack.
  10. Kiwis. Sliced in half and taken in with a spoon, these fun green fruits are not only, healthy but fun to eat too.
  11. Melon Balls. Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew and other melons are sweet and delicious and can be perfect snack foods in this simple spherical form.
Instead of Candy
If you’ve got a sweet tooth, there are healthier places to turn than an economy sized bag of gummy bears. Beat the sweet with these healthy choices.
  1. Fruit Salad. A mix of fruits like strawberries, raspberries, grapes, bananas and other great healthy snacks can be a great way to meet the needs of your sweet tooth without going overboard on sugar and calories.
  2. Dark Chocolate. Provided you have just a small amount, dark chocolate has healthy antioxidants that make it better for you than its more sugary cousin, milk chocolate.
  3. Granola Bar. With tasty morsels of fruits inside, these treats are salty and sweet in one.
  4. Dried Apricots. Dried fruits like apricots are a great way to feel like you’re eating candy while still getting the vitamins from fruits.
  5. Strawberries. They may not always be in season, but when they are these small fruits are the perfect alternatives to unhealthy candies.
  6. Orange Slices. Next time you’re craving fruity candy, pick up an orange instead. It’s full of vitamin C which can help ensure you stay healthy enough to make it through your semester.
  7. Fresh Raspberries. They’re easy to eat, tasty and pretty good for you too, so don’t pass up these awesome berries.
  8. Raisins. Dried fruits like raisins are perfect to keep on hand in your dorm room, as they’ll stay fresh for months and are a great, easy snack.
  9. Blueberries. Blueberries aren’t called a super food for nothing. They’re full of antioxidants and vitamins that will make your body happy.
  10. Cherries. Cherries are easy to eat, delicious and they taste like a whole host of candies so you won’t even miss those sugary treats.
  11. Pomegranates. Think of pomegranates as candy that grows on trees, as their tiny, gem-like seeds provide the perfect healthy and sweet snack.
  12. Fruit Leather. Instead of a fruit roll-up, opt for this healthier flattened fruit.
Instead of Soda
You’ve got to wash all those tasty study snacks down with something, right? Instead of a sugary soda, try these options for healthier refreshment.
  1. Water. Water has no calories, and it provides the hydration your body needs to give you better concentration and memory. What drink could be better than that?
  2. Cranberry Juice. Go for real cranberry juice, not cocktail, for a full-on antioxidant beverage.
  3. Skim Milk. Unless you’re lactose intolerant, milk can provide your body with protein, calcium and other vitamins it needs.
  4. Orange Juice. A glass of OJ is a great way to boost your vitamin C levels and stave off illness.
  5. Soy Milk. If you can’t drink milk, soy milk is a great, healthy alternative.
  6. Tea. Need to stay awake? Try out some tea. Green and black varieties are said to be extremely beneficial to your health.
  7. Coffee. Coffee, when had in moderation, is a better way to get a caffeine fix than soda.
Instead of Ice Cream
These healthy alternatives to ice cream will see you through your studies without all the fat and calories.
  1. Fat Free Yogurt. Yogurt comes in a wide variety of flavors, even chocolate and cheesecake, and is a much healthier alternative to ice cream.
  2. Fruit Smoothie. Blend up fruit, milk and yogurt to make one of these tasty treats.
  3. Frozen Grapes. Frozen grapes will give you the chill you’re looking for with very few calories and no fat.
  4. Fruit Popsicles. If you need a sweet frozen treat, one of your best bets is a whole fruit frozen popsicle.
  5. Parfait. Top yogurt with fresh berries and some granola and you’ve got yourself a healthy alternative to an ice cream sundae.
  6. Frozen Banana with Nuts. Dip a banana in honey, roll it in nuts and stick it in the freezer for an amazing treat that’s good for you too.
  7. Applesauce. Applesauce, especially the unsweetened kind, is pretty good for you, containing plenty of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.
  8. Frozen Yogurt. If you are looking for something healthier that’s as close to ice cream as possible, seek out frozen yogurt. While it’s not perfectly healthy, it’s definitely better for you than ice cream.
  9. Chocolate Mousse. Chocolate mousse does contain a fair amount of sugar, but it’s also considerably lower in calories and fat than ice cream.
Instead of Cookies and Cakes
Replace those Oreos and Chips Ahoy with these delicious and health-friendly alternatives.
  1. Rice Cakes with Peanut Butter. Rice cakes alone might be a bit bland, but dress them up with a nut butter to make them super delicious.
  2. Graham Crackers. A few graham crackers are a much better choice than most cookies, especially if you eat the whole grain kind.
  3. Bran Muffin. If you need a quick pick-me-up, a bran muffin is the perfect choice. It will keep you full and give you the energy to keep studying.
  4. Fig Newtons. If you simply must have a cookie, choose one like Fig Newtons. While these cookies contain some not-so-good things, they also have real fruit that offers more vitamins than their chocolate chip counterparts.
  5. Apples and Almond Butter. Apples on their own are good for you, but paired with a great protein source like almond butter, they’re even better. Plus, both the apple and the almond butter will help you wake up and stay alert to study.
  6. Fruit Cup. Look for fruit cups that are in water, not syrup, for a tasty, healthy and easy treat.
  7. Banana Bread. If baked goods are what you crave while studying, consider picking up some banana bread instead of cookies.
  8. Carrot Bars. Made with real shredded carrots, these bars can be a great source of vitamins and fiber.
  9. Cereal Bar. Cereal bars made with whole grain cereals are your best healthy bet if you’re looking for a convenient snack.
  10. Sugar Free Jell-O. Does it contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals? Nope. But it does have no sugar and few calories, and that’s more than you can say for cookies or cakes.
  11. Kashi Cookies. If you simply must have a cookie, go for one that attempts to be a little healthier. The Kashi brand contains flaxseed and other whole grains to give this junk food a boost.
Instead of Frozen Foods
While there are some healthy frozen foods out there, the kinds you likely have in your freezer (frozen pizzas, chicken nuggets) aren’t the best for you. Try these snacks instead.
  1. English Muffin Pizzas. Don’t heat up a whole frozen pizza if you’re hungry. Make a smaller, healthier English muffin version instead.
  2. Pita Pizza. Don’t have English muffins? Whole grain pitas work just as well for constructing a more nutritious pizza in minutes.
  3. Tuna. Put some tuna on top of whole grain crackers to get loads of protein.
  4. Hard Boiled Egg. A hard-boiled egg with salt and pepper is good for you, offering protein you need to keep going.
  5. Side Salad. Instead of snacking on unhealthy foods, why not whip up a salad? It’s easy and can be tasty too.
  6. Seaweed Salad. Pick up some seaweed salad at the store for a study snack. It might be a funny color, but it’s full of great nutrients. Just watch out for the sodium– it contains a good amount.
  7. Oatmeal. Instant oatmeal is easy to make, fills you up and keeps you healthy.
  8. Lettuce Wraps. Use lettuce to wrap up other veggies, low-fat meats and other healthy treats.
  9. Corn on the Cob. Eat it fresh if it’s in season or find it frozen if it’s not.
  10. Whole Grain Toast. Toast, topped with a whole fruit jam or peanut butter, can be a great snack that only takes minutes to make.
Instead of Fast Food
Seeking out a mini-meal to keep you going strong through your studies? Well, skip the fast food fare and make these healthier options at home.
  1. Whole Grain Cereal. Pair a healthy cereal with some skim milk for a meal that will fill you up without filling you out.
  2. Whole Wheat Bagel. A bagel can be an easy way to get in some whole grains– just make sure you don’t go overboard with toppings.
  3. Turkey Wrap. Turkey is one of the healthiest lunch meats out there, so combining it with a whole wheat tortilla, veggies and some mustard is an excellent way to snack smart.
  4. Baked Potato. A baked potato topped with salsa will meet all your study snacking needs. Eat the skin for an extra vitamin-laden boost.
  5. Black Beans and Salsa. This snack is simple to make at home. Rinse off a can of black beans, heat them and top with salsa and guac for a healthy treat.
  6. Sweet Potato Fries. When baked, you can get your fries fix with far better health with sweet potato fries.
  7. Whole Wheat Pasta. A small bowl of whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce makes for a balanced and healthy snack or meal.
  8. Veggie Pocket. Load up a pita with all kinds of veggies, from cucumbers to sprouts, top with mustard or a vinaigrette, and you’ve got yourself a killer snack.
  9. Low-Fat Quesadilla. Low-fat cheese and veggies help make this snack one that’s healthy and you crave. 
  10. Low Sodium Soup. Heat up a small bowl of soup to get some veggies, protein and other healthy stuff to keep you going.
  11. Soft Taco. Using whole grain tortillas, turkey instead of beef and topping with extra veggies makes this snack a winner in the health department.
  12. Multigrain Waffle. Pop a whole grain waffle into the toaster, top it with fruit and you’ve got an enviable study snack on your hands.
  13. Sandwich on Whole Wheat. Instead of getting a burger, make yourself a healthy, old-fashioned sandwich instead.
  14. Omelet. If you’ve got your own place, practice your cooking skills by making a healthy omelet for a snack.
SOURCE:  Associates Degree dot Com
Have a great day,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Follower Sunday: Thank You Readership! Author, Dietitian, Guest-Chef and Mentor: Ann Silver Gives Selflessly to Others with Healthy Vegan Recipe


By Anthony Sepe

Each Sunday, I thank my readership for their loyalty and dedication to my blog, by providing a healthy recipe.  For those that know, this is a healthy repeat, but for those that are unaware and are new to the blog, this is my way of “giving back.”  It is also a way to “Pay it Forward.”  Each Sunday, not only will you have a healthy recipe, but you will have an expert in the field of dietetics, food and nutrition, provide the healthy recipe to you.  It is my pleasure to introduce to you this week, my friend and my colleague, Ann M. Silver, MS, RD and her recipe:  “Barley and Mushroom Stew.”



IMG_4374_2-Ann Silver


Ann M. Silver, MS, RD, CDE, CDN

Registered Dietitian & Certified Diabetes Educator

Professional Experience: After graduating from her undergraduate degree for clinical dietetics, Ann worked for many years at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City and North Shore University Medical Center in Manhasset, New York as a clinical dietitian and in various management positions. In 1987, Ann relocated to the Hamptons in New York and began pursuing her private practice in nutrition. Over time and much perseverance, Ann became a participating provider with numerous insurance companies and her list of referring physicians expanded resulting in her practice flourishing. Currently Ann has a private practice specializing in diabetes, eating disorders and weight management on the eastern end of Long Island with 3 office locations. As an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Diet Technician Program at Suffolk County Community College in Riverhead, New York, Ann supervises students’ clinical rotations.  Ann regularly presents and mentors colleagues on going into private practice and insurance reimbursement. Her latest accomplishment is coauthor of Making Nutrition Your Business: Private Practice and Beyond to (ADA 2011) available at www.AnnSilverRD.com.

Education: Ann graduated from the Coordinated Undergraduate Program (CUP) at State University College of Buffalo, New York in 1978. In 1984, she graduated from New York University with a Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition.

Credentials: Ann is a Registered Dietitian and a member of the ADA. She served as Reimbursement Chair for the New York State Dietetic Association (NYSDA) from 2004-06. Ann has been actively involved with Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE) DPG for many years including serving as Chairperson and mentoring NE members on private practice. As a result of her interests, Ann is also a member of the DCE, SCAN, Weight Management, Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine and Vegetarian Nutrition DPGs. A member of the Long Island Dietetic Association (LIDA), Ann received the association’s award for Excellence in Consultation and Business Practice in 2003. Since 2000, Ann has been a Certified Diabetes Educator.

Supplementary Information: Over the years Ann has presented and lectured frequently including for a pre-FNCE workshop for NE DPG on reimbursement, LIDA, NYSDA and East End Clinical Connection.

Contact information:

Ann M. Silver, MS, RD, CDE, CDN

496 Sag Harbor Turnpike

East Hampton, New York 11937

631.324.1953 office




Barley and Mushroom Stew

Submitted by Ann M. Silver, MS,RD,CDE,CDN

2 tablespoons olive or safflower oil

1 cup chopped onion

6-8 garlic cloves peeled (more or none depending on preference)

2 medium carrots, chopped into chunks

2 celery stalks, roughly sliced

2 medium potatoes like Yukon Gold or New potatoes, peeled & cut into bite-size chunks

1 cups sliced fresh mushrooms

½ cup dried mushrooms, reconstituted in hot water to cover

2/3 cup pearl barley

½ teaspoon dried thyme

salt & black pepper to preference

4 cups mushroom broth (I like the Pacific brand mushroom broth & can use the liquid from reconstituting the dried mushrooms as part of the 4 cups)

  1. Put 2 tablespoons oil in a large saucepan first and turn the heat to medium-high. When the oil is hot add the onion thru potatoes and cook. Stirring occasionally until the vegetables begin to brown about 10 minutes.
  2. Stir in the mushrooms (drain the reconstituted dried mushrooms—save the liquid) and cook for 5 minutes stirring to avoid sticking to the pot.
  3. Stir in the barley and cook, stirring until it shines.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and turn the heat down so the mixture simmers.
  5. Cover and cook for about 40-50 minutes until the barley is tender. Stir occasionally. (May need to add additional liquid as cooking if the barley is not cooked and the liquid has evaporated.)
  6. Taste to add salt and pepper according to taste, serve and enjoy!


Thank you for reading and visit Ann; enjoy her Barley and Mushroom Stew!
